Car Wont Move After Transmission Fluid Change | Possible Causes and Solutions!

If your car won’t move after a transmission fluid change, don’t panic! There are several possible causes and solutions. Here I’ll discuss the most common causes and solutions for this problem. I’ll also provide some tips to help you avoid this issue in the future. Stay tuned!

Car Won’t Move After Transmission Fluid Change: Possible Causes and Solutions

If your car won’t move after you’ve changed the transmission fluid, there could be a few different reasons why. Here I’ll go over the most common causes of this problem and what you can do to fix it. So let’s begin.

Car Wont Move After Transmission Fluid Change

Transmission Fluid Isn’t Compatible

One of the most common reasons why a car won’t move after a transmission fluid change is because the new fluid isn’t compatible with the seals in the transmission. If this is the case, you’ll need to flush the transmission and replace the fluid with a compatible type.

Air In The Line

Another common cause of this problem is air in the lines. This can happen if you don’t properly bleed the system when you change the fluid. To fix this, you’ll need to bleed the lines and get rid of any air pockets.

Varnish Deposits

If there are varnish deposits in the transmission, they can prevent the car from moving. Varnish deposits can build up over time and cause a variety of problems. To remove them, you’ll need to flush the transmission and clean the deposits out of the system.

Transmission Fluid Level Is Too Low

If the transmission fluid level is too low, it can prevent the car from moving. To fix this, you’ll need to add more fluid to the system.

Transmission Fluid Overfilled

If the transmission fluid is overfilled, it can cause a variety of problems including this one. To fix this, you’ll need to drain some of the fluid out of the system.

Final Words

If your car still won’t move after you’ve tried these solutions, there could be a problem with the transmission itself. In this case, it’s best to take the car to a mechanic and have them take a look. With their help, you should be able to get to the bottom of the problem and get your car back on the road.

People Also Ask

Why do transmissions fail after the fluid change?

One of the most common reasons why transmissions fail after a fluid change is because the wrong type of fluid was used. If the wrong type of fluid is used, it can cause the transmission to overheat and break down. Also, if the fluid is not changed often enough, it can become contaminated and cause the transmission to fail.

Another reason why transmissions fail after a fluid change is that the filter was not changed at the same time. The filter is what keeps the fluid clean and free of debris. If the filter is not changed, the fluid can become clogged and cause the transmission to fail.

What does it mean when your car is in drive but won’t move?

There could be a few reasons why your car is in the drive but won’t move. The most common reason is that the transmission is not working properly.

This could be due to a problem with the transmission fluid, a broken transmission belt, or a damaged transmission.

Another possibility is that the engine is not getting enough power, which could be caused by a problem with the spark plugs, fuel injectors, or catalytic converter.

Finally, there could be an issue with the brakes. If the brakes are not working properly, then the car will not move even if it is in the drive.

How long does it take for transmission fluid to settle?

It takes about 24 hours for transmission fluid to settle. This is because the fluid needs time to cool down and settle into the transmission. If you are having trouble with your transmission, it is best to take it to a mechanic to have it checked out.

Car Isn't Moving After Transmission Fluid Change

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